Being an LDS single presents unique challenges and blessings. In a world that often prioritizes different values, navigating singlehood within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints requires resilience, faith, and adherence to higher standards.
In the pursuit of a celestial partnership, maintaining higher standards becomes critical. The Lord states, "Fear thou not; for I am with thee" (Isaiah 41:10). Singles can find strength in divine companionship with our Heavenly Parents and Savior, Jesus Christ. In this unique phase of life, singles can embrace the transformative power of learning and personal growth. "Men are, that they might have joy" (2 Nephi 2:25).
President Russell M. Nelson encourages, "Your commitment to follow the Savior by making covenants with Him and then keeping those covenants will open the door to every spiritual privilege and blessing available to men, women, and children everywhere." Elder Quentin L. Cook reinforces the importance of individuality, stating, "One of the most important things in the gospel of Jesus Christ is that each of us is uniquely different. We don’t have to be like anyone else. We just need to be ourselves and live the gospel."
Navigating Dating with Higher Standards
As LDS singles enter the world of dating, the landscape often challenges the principles they hold dear. Maintaining a commitment to higher standards becomes crucial. LDS singles may encounter societal pressures to conform to prevailing dating norms, yet the counsel from Church leaders provides a steady guide.
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf advises, "Being single does not make you any less important. Your individual worth is so vast, and as you move forward, allow yourself to be happy." Navigating the dating environment involves actively seeking companionship while adhering to the principles outlined in the teachings of His church. It is a journey that requires patience, faith, and reliance on the promises found in scripture.
In the face of dating challenges, Isaiah's promise brings solace — "I am with thee." Engaging in meaningful connections, singles can combat loneliness through community involvement and personal relationships. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland sympathizes, "To be told by society that you are odd, peculiar, out of date, or just plain weird can be a very painful thing, for who does not want to be accepted and loved? That is part of our earthly experience." Sister Jean B. Bingham offers a perspective on individual worth, saying, "God's plan for His children is a plan of happiness. The aim of His plan is 'to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.'... Even though we may face the challenges of mortality as single women, our individual identity and our opportunity for growth and fulfillment are preserved in the eternities."
Navigating the challenges of finding a suitable companion while living higher standards at times can become discouraging, however, words from living prophets, truths from scriptures, and personal revelation can help guide us.